Tiger Maple Wood Pennsylvania Table

Tiger Maple Wood Pennsylvania Farm Table 061616tiger maple wood Pennsylvania Farm Table 061616 02IMG_3631This tiger maple wood Pennsylvania Table was handcrafted in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. It was custom made for a customers dining room. They got a 7ft length since they wanted to get 8 people around it. This is one of our more popular selling sizes for the dining room. The also got our Sack-Back Windsor Armchairs for the ends of the table and Bow-Back Windsor Side Chairs for the sides of the table. The finish was done in a antiqued black over red finish. I like the combination of tiger maple and antiqued black over red. It makes the table stand out and this color helps in transition to other colors in the room. Many customers also order the Pennsylvania Farm Table in cherry wood. When doing your dining room and have questions on our tables make sure to call the store. I will be happy to answer any questions and share my opinions.

Great Windsor Chairs Blog

Great Windsor Chairs offers quality Windsor chairs, custom-sized farm tables, beds, cupboards, stands and other traditional antique style pieces–all made in America with a focus on authentic form and finish. Our furniture designs are brought to life by cabinet shops loyal to the Great Windsor Chairs mission. Styles include Country, Shaker, Farmhouse and Colonial. These cabinet shops are able to achieve the authentic form and finish desired by our customers and finished to achieve an authentic, aged appearance. In addition, many of our pieces are available in a variety of premium woods including tiger maple, cherry, walnut and others. In addition to these pieces we started to offer some less expensive and designer furniture.

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